Luck, neither inherently good nor bad, dances on the edge of our lives. It's the enigmatic force that defies explanation, an unpredictable companion in our journey. Sometimes it gifts us success without reason; other times, it withholds its favor. Yet, luck is less a puppeteer and more a meeting point of chance, preparation, and circumstance. Embracing its presence humbles us in success and eases self-blame in defeat.

 Life, love, and luck—the enigmatic intertwined realms that often shape our paths—find their place within my work. By embracing the interplay between intention and serendipity I allow chance to infuse each piece with unexpected beauty.

My work mirrors the delicate dance of opportunities found and missed, reminding us that even in chaos, there is a hidden order that guides our steps. Through a blend of screen-printing techniques and spontaneous expression, I manifest the idea that both love and luck collaborate in shaping our lives.